Wednesday, February 20, 2013

All Because Two People Fell in Love...

Six years ago, I believe it was February 20th to be exact, after an awkward I-think-we-are-just-friends-but-I-baked-your-favorite-cookies Valentines Day, on a walk around our college campus, I sat down next to Jeff on a bench by a little pond where he asked me to be his girlfriend. Almost ten months later, on a chilly December night after almost getting lost in downtown OKC and after a delicious dinner, he asked me to be his wife. Seven months later, we said our vows in Texas. After a relaxing week in the Dominican Republic, we moved to Colorado with no jobs lined up. Good idea, right? From those first couple of months of marriage, not knowing how we were going to make our rent payments, to the birth of our first child this year, it has been a fun ride so far. I can't believe we will be celebrating our fifth anniversary this year! I love you, Jeffrey Barros, and I'll be saying that on our fiftieth anniversary like it was day one! :)

My Valentine - Our First Date Night Post-Bennett :)

Gizmo Eyes!
My mom came to visit for Valentine's Day and hang out with her little Valentine while we went out to eat at a fancy restaurant in town. :) It is so awesome to see my mom with her first grandbaby. It makes me miss my family more living in a different state. So thankful for Skype and Facebook and the ability to share photos so easily. We are going to Texas in April. So excited to see my fam, but a little nervous taking a three month old on his first plane ride... My parents also already have a family vacation planned for June. We are going to Orlando! Should be interesting...

A teddy from Uncle Austin!
Bennett is sleeping a little longer during the night which is great. He is actually sleeping in five hour spurts. Some nights (like last night) are not so great, but there are more good than bad. He is so hungry all the time and eats so fast he gets gassy sometimes. This kid has been gassy since day one! I remember asking the nurses if it was normal for a newborn to be letting out man farts. Haha. I swear the kid goes through a growth spurt at least once a week. He gained two whole pounds in the first month and he is already fitting into his 3 month outfits! It's crazy how the time flies! Before we know it, we will be on our way to Ethiopia to pick up his sibling. On that subject, we will be updating our home study in the next couple of months to include our new family member. Our caseworker says we should expect a referral call sometime in the year 2014. It still seems far away (especially since we started the process in 2011) but with Bennett here now, I really think the timing is going to work out great.

Jeff is in his last semester of seminary. Thank the Lord! It only took FOUR years (seminary degrees are long), but so proud of him! He graduates in May and is already working on reappointing as a 1st Lieutenant in the Air Force. I'm still taking some classes online, but I'd like to take a few classes on campus this summer or fall. I'm going to a Graduate School Open House in March so I'm hoping to get started on my own Master's degree soon! I can't believe it has been almost ten years since I graduated high school. Jeff already has his ten year reunion this year and mine will be next year. Our little Benny will be walking by then! Ah!
We don't eat the teddy bear!

Baby, there ain't nothin' not affected
When two hearts get connected
All that is, will be, or ever was
I'm glad your dad could not resist
Your mama's charms and you exist
All because two people fell in love
You know, to me it's all so clear
Every one of us is here
All because two people fell in love

Our Little Gift
Gotta love that Brad Paisley...


Saturday, February 2, 2013

I am Dirt

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. - Genesis 2:7

Exactly four weeks ago, we welcomed our beautiful baby boy, Bennett Eugene, into this world! He was born January 5, 2013 at 10:47 am; 6 lb, 14 oz, and 19.5 inches. Things have been crazy since then and it took me a good 2-3 weeks before I actually started feeling human again. The experience of bringing him into this world was hard, exhausting, and beautiful... and has taken me a while to figure out how to put it into words.

Looking at my little man today, I am just amazed at this mini human body that the Lord created. I mean, this little person was formed inside of me! His big blue/gray eyes, cute button nose, organs, and fragile little skeleton all woven together in my womb. He is just perfect. I learned in one of my classes yesterday that an embryo's central nervous system begins forming at just two weeks! The heart starts beating at four weeks. All this before most people even find out they are pregnant! Wow.

This miracle of life caused me to look back into the book of Genesis at the very first creation of man. The Lord took some lucky dirt and formed it into a person just as he used my body to create our little Bennett. Perhaps it was an uncomfortable experience for that dirt, but the ending result was life. Though it hurt like hell to finally get him here, the Lord used my womb to mold a new human into being. Like that dirt that was there the day God breathed life into the first man, I bore witness to (and very actively participated in) a new human being breathing his first breath in this world. I have to say, that moment, that first gurgled breath and cry, made all the hours of painful contractions worth it. When they placed that screaming baby, MY screaming baby, into my arms there was this overwhelming sense of joy, relief, and something I can only describe as reverence; as if I had just been a part of something sacred. As sacred as the day Adam took his first breath. You mamas out there know what I am talking about...

My labor lasted approximately 13 hours, though I'm not exactly sure. I went in because my blood pressure was high and I was having stomach cramps. It turns out I was also having very slight contractions every two minutes, lasting about a minute. I was glad that my doctor was there that weekend. I had the choice to go home or have her break my water. I was nervous about going home, an hour away, and then having to make that drive again later in labor. So... I had her break my water. Three hours later, I wasn't dilated enough so they gave me what I was absolutely dreading... pitocin. It made contractions hurt like a *bleep* but I did dilate faster. I finally had to break down and ask for something, anything less than an epidural. They gave me half a dose of a pain medication and, honestly, it didn't do jack! I have never been in so much pain in my life. The only way I could describe it was, "Oh my Lord, I'm dying!" I knew I wasn't, but holy ouch. I wanted to go as natural as possible, but with the pitocin, I really wasn't sure I was going to be able to make it through to the end. Now I know why people go for the epidural and even the scheduled c-section.

Now that I have made it through the experience and I am finally holding my son in my arms, minus the fact that I broke down and asked for a pain med, I am so proud of myself. I feel like I have this connection with billions of women who have gone before me. Corny, I know, but I'm looking at it from an anthropologist's perspective here.

I couldn't have done it without my mom, who stayed awake and by my side through the whole night (the doc broke my water just after midnight and he wasn't born until 10:47 am). My husband may have taken a nap somewhere in there, but really, what could he do? Having him there and holding my hand (and leg) as Bennett was being born was an experience we shared that just can't be duplicated. We are a closer family because of it. I was nervous and a bit embarrassed, but he has touched my heart so much with the way he has taken care of me. The way he looks into our son's eyes and tells him how much he loves him just makes me melt. I love our little family.

I went in with so much confidence in my high tolerance for pain, but ended up broken before he was finally here. I cried. I chanted, "ow, ow, ow, ow" - something I wanted to avoid. I complained and got frustrated with myself a lot more than I thought I would. And yes, I got frustrated with my mom and the nurse who tried to tell me I wasn't breathing right. No method of breathing made it hurt any less, ladies! I thank everyone for their support, but ultimately, it was an ordeal I had to go through myself... and gosh darnit, I did it!

Although it seems like forever ago now, Jeff's dad, sister, and her husband came to visit for Christmas. We had a great time with great company. New Year's was uneventful. I wasn't feeling well and my blood pressure was high so Jeff went to a party without me, but came home to be with me at midnight. :) I am glad Bennett came a little early because I was quite bored, not having been at work since December 5, exactly a month before his birthday. Also, a huge thanks to so many of our church family members who have brought us meals these past few weeks. They have been delicious and such a blessing for a sore new mama who couldn't make it out to the store for a while. I'm so excited to be a new mommy and Bennett is already such an adorable blessing to us. I never knew my heart could be so full...

For You formed my inward parts;You covered me in my mother's womb.I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;- Psalm 139: 13-14