[I wrote this about two weeks ago and was going to post it before leaving for Orlando, but failed to do so. It took me a while to get a new one up because I was trying to get my husband to write a post about graduating seminary. That was obviously a no-go, so here were MY thoughts.]

I have so many great memories of my childhood: my dad reading me my favorite book, "Gregory the Terrible Eater," and teaching me how to play "You Are My Sunshine" on my toy guitar, having a food fight with my family that my mom started, then letting our dogs eat the pizza crusts thrown all over the floor, and of course playing school, "Jungle Kids" or "Mary Poppins" in the backyard with my brother and sister, my best friends, my soulmates. I also remember when I was younger wanting so badly to grow up, feeling like a 'lost boy' stuck in the Neverland of childhood, always wondering why it took so long to grow up. Didn't it seem like life was in slow motion back then? And now that it is over, and I'm an adult, I find myself longing for those good ole days; when I didn't have a care in the world, I had the craziest imagination, and my parents provided for my every need. Did someone press the fast forward button because I swear time goes by faster the older I get.

I was giving my son a bath tonight and watching him kick his feet and learn how to splash and play in the water. Watching him smile up at me and giggle as I washed his little fingers and toes, I thought, "I have got to remember this." The way he likes to suck on his bottom lip, how he sticks his tongue out sometimes when he smiles playfully, and the way his eyes light up and search for me when he hears me enter a room. These are just everyday memories, but I feel as if they are just as important as the big moments. It makes me think of something they said in The Office series finale (which they did a fantastic job with by the way). I'm pretty sure it was Andy who said something like, "I wish there was a way to know you're in the good ole days while you're still there." We have had some crazy ups and downs so far, but I have a feeling that Jeff and I are going to look back on this time, at our young growing family, and think about how we miss these good ole days.
Jeff graduated from seminary last month with his Master of Divinity. I am so proud of him! I tried to get him to type up a post himself about the subject, but he wasn't very interested... He is now in the process of reappointing in the Air Force Reserves. He has a lot of paperwork to complete (and to wait on), but he'll be reappointing as a 1st Lieutenant sometime this year. We'll see where it leads from there...
Jeff and I will be celebrating our five year anniversary this year! I can't believe it has already been that long, but I suppose I will be saying the same thing when we hit 25 and 50. This year, I really want to get professional family photos taken so we are getting that set up for the end of this month. I am so excited! The only time Jeff and I have had our pictures taken by a professional photographer was at our wedding. We didn't even do the fancy engagement or maternity photos that everyone seems to be getting done these days, so I can't wait.
We had a blast in Orlando with my family. I will have to post about it soon! :)