Remember when I mentioned our life being far from boring? Well, we are on the brink of yet another new adventure! Next up? Moving to Woodward, Oklahoma! Yup... tornado alley. On Jeff's birthday, he accepted a job there as FBC's new Youth Pastor and on August 18 was voted on by the congregation as the new Youth Pastor. Shortly after that, the Air Force called to let Jeff know of his assigned base for reserve duty: Vance AFB; in OK, just an hour from Woodward! The movers will be here in less than two weeks and our first Sunday there will be September 15! It looks like I will be spending my birthday in a new state! Crazy.
Where did this come from? Really? From God. It seems like it came out of nowhere for us. First Baptist Woodward lost their youth pastor over a year ago and Tony actually mentioned it to Jeff suggesting he apply to it. Jeff kept saying, Nope, I'm still needed here in Woodland Park. I actually encouraged him to apply... just to see what would happen. Well, barely a month ago, they requested his resume and for some reason, he sent it. Just after that, we headed to northwest OK on a mission trip with our youth. That was when I was the one to question whether or not it was the right place for us... It was so hot! And bugs everywhere! I have definitely been spoiled for the last five years living in the beautiful, mosquito-free, amazing summers mountains. I asked Jeff if he was sure about this possible change... of course, he teased me because I was now the one second-guessing...
So here we are... our house is on the market, we are packing packing packing, and showing our home. We got our first offer barely 48 hours after our home went on the market, but the guy is proving to be super flaky, so I don't think that one will work out. Please pray that our home sells soon because we already put a contract on a cute, little home in Woodward. It should be completed in about 45 days so we need to get rid of this home first! Pray that our move and traveling goes smoothly. I'm so glad my mom came up to help us pack (and keep up with my baby)!
Jeff and I are so excited for this new adventure! We are a little nervous about the house thing, but trusting that God will have a hand in that. Being the introvert I am, I am of course a little nervous about making new friends, but that's just typical me. Just spending the weekend with some of those awesome First Baptist folk was so much fun. We are looking forward to getting to know the families and youth better!
On a Bennett note... He is everywhere! Crawling and pulling up on everything. The kid can't even walk and he is trying to climb on top of boxes! He has three little bruises/bumps on his head from standing up in his crib and trying to bounce. Oh little boys...

I am about to do a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert.
- Isaiah 43:19
Where did this come from? Really? From God. It seems like it came out of nowhere for us. First Baptist Woodward lost their youth pastor over a year ago and Tony actually mentioned it to Jeff suggesting he apply to it. Jeff kept saying, Nope, I'm still needed here in Woodland Park. I actually encouraged him to apply... just to see what would happen. Well, barely a month ago, they requested his resume and for some reason, he sent it. Just after that, we headed to northwest OK on a mission trip with our youth. That was when I was the one to question whether or not it was the right place for us... It was so hot! And bugs everywhere! I have definitely been spoiled for the last five years living in the beautiful, mosquito-free, amazing summers mountains. I asked Jeff if he was sure about this possible change... of course, he teased me because I was now the one second-guessing...
So here we are... our house is on the market, we are packing packing packing, and showing our home. We got our first offer barely 48 hours after our home went on the market, but the guy is proving to be super flaky, so I don't think that one will work out. Please pray that our home sells soon because we already put a contract on a cute, little home in Woodward. It should be completed in about 45 days so we need to get rid of this home first! Pray that our move and traveling goes smoothly. I'm so glad my mom came up to help us pack (and keep up with my baby)!
Jeff and I are so excited for this new adventure! We are a little nervous about the house thing, but trusting that God will have a hand in that. Being the introvert I am, I am of course a little nervous about making new friends, but that's just typical me. Just spending the weekend with some of those awesome First Baptist folk was so much fun. We are looking forward to getting to know the families and youth better!

I am about to do a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert.
- Isaiah 43:19