Before I give you the lowdown on what has been going on in the Barros household so far this month, let me just share with you my only-slightly-less-than-normal-Friday of last week. So, Jeff was gone all last week staying on Vance AFB doing some Chaplain stuff. Full-time duty work; not sure of all that entails. Friday, I had a doctor's appointment and I had to take Bennett with me because Jeff didn't get home until Friday afternoon. Bennett actually did really well. I took his stroller and, although he got bored with it quickly, he finally fell asleep as I pushed it around in circles waiting for the doctor. I think they may have forgotten about me because we sat in the exam room for a good hour. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep, too. So, that was my morning. Lunch and afternoon were the normal routine, but as soon as I walked into Bennett's room to get him up from his afternoon nap, I was hit with the smell of poopy pants McGee. Just to be safe, when I got him out of his crib, I checked to be sure the smelly contents were still contained in the diaper. Well, it was when I picked him up. Somewhere between then and laying him on the floor to change him, poo got everywhere. I clean him up as good as I can and take a naked baby and his soiled clothes to the bathroom to clean them off. While I am filling up the bathtub to give Bennett a quick scrub down, he is standing next to me stark naked excited about this impromptu bathtime. That's when my leg started to feel wet and I realize Bennett is standing there peeing on my leg! I can't help but laugh as I put him in the tub, clean up the floor, and take my pants off and lay them in the sink with his dirty clothes. I can't just leave him in the tub alone to go change, so I just gave him a quick bath pantless. As soon as I get a fresh diaper on him and strap him in the high chair for a snack, Jeff comes walking through the door and there I am, standing in my undies, giving Bennett his snack. Jeff just looks at me, says hi, then heads towards Bennett to tell him how much he missed him. I guess we know who Jeff's new favorite is! I got everything cleaned, got some fresh pants on myself and my kid, and listened to how Jeff's week went. That was my Friday afternoon. Friday night, Jeff and I went to our first dinner and a movie date since... I don't know when... sometime before Bennett. We put Bennett to bed, the babysitter came over (easy job!), and went out for a not-so-great burger. I was excited to see
Saving Mr. Banks, and while I enjoyed learning the back story behind one of my favorite childhood movies, it wasn't as great as I was expecting. Also, the sound went out toward the end of the movie... It took them a while to fix it, then rewind it, then lock the doors on us before the movie was over... Yup, that was our Friday night. Just in case you were needing a little entertainment! ;)

2014 has been fun so far! Bennett turned one on the 5th! We had an airplane party the day before and had so much fun with family and friends watching him open presents and eat cake! This kid is just flat out spoiled. It's out of control! He got so many presents from Christmas and his birthday... we don't have room for it all! The kid runs over half of the house! The only place he doesn't have stuff in is our room, although that is questionable because he likes to sneak in there to throw toys for us to step on. Jeff said he found one of Bennett's socks in his suitcase last week. The kid loves taking his socks and shoes off. His new thing is furrowing his brow at people for all sorts of reasons. If you tell him NO or some stranger says hi or the dogs run away from him. I'm really starting to that think when I tell him "No! Don't touch that!" what he is hearing is, "Yay! Isn't it fun to play with dog food? Keep doing that until I have to come over and smack your little hands!" Laughs and giggles, then furrowed face... What's funny is that when Jeff tells him NO, he actually stops and pays attention. Sometimes he even starts to cry! I think it is the deep, stern voice Jeff uses. I tried raising my voice to try and scare him like Jeff somehow does. I absolutely hate yelling, but it didn't work anyway. He just smiles real big at me and continues to eat a lava rock from the fireplace or unplug the nightlight in the hallway or pull Nanook's tail. Oh, this kid... He's such a rascal, but at the same time he is such a loving little boy who likes to give kisses and read books in your lap. His new thing is lifting up my shirt to try and blow raspberries on my belly like we do to him. It cracks me up.
Next month, Jeff will be gone to Denver a few days to be in a friend's wedding. Then he is heading to Africa in March for a mission trip! Bennett and I will be going to visit my little sis in College Station and go to the rodeo in Houston! Always busy. Always loving it.
Just a little update on our adoption wait: Please be praying for the adoption process in Ethiopia. Their current government leaders are working to end all foreign adoptions. We aren't sure if this will actually take place and, if it does, when. We still have a lengthy wait on the waiting list. There has been a slow down on adoptions because of corruption in the country's orphanages and processes. At the rate the waiting list is moving, we may still have another two years before we can bring a child home. Please pray that, whatever happens, the right decision is made for those children needing homes.