Our sweet baby boy |
First, to get the big news out of the way - We are having another baby boy! Jeff and I couldn't be more excited! I'm sure Bennett would be excited too if he knew what was on its way. The boys will be exactly two years apart and I hope they will be best buddies! I think Jeff and I have it narrowed down to two names to choose from. They were both in the running with Bennett so it is kind of nice to be able to use one of them. I'm hoping to get that same feeling of "this is it" with this baby's name like I did with Bennett. As long as we make up our minds before January!

We originally weren't going to find out what we were having until my 20 week ultrasound. When Jeff got a call from the Air Force asking him to go to a six week training starting in August, I booked this elective ultrasound so that Jeff would be there to find out with me. When the Air Force failed to turn in Jeff's paper work on time and we found out that Jeff would not be able to go to this training and would have to wait until the next session next year (after we changed Jeff's birthday plans and everything), I was WAY too excited to cancel the ultrasound appointment and wait until 20 weeks. I barely slept the night before the ultrasound. I tend to get excited about surprises.

At the end of July we FINALLY took Bennett's 18 month pictures. He had that hand, foot, and mouth disease so I had to wait until the sores on his mouth went away. Then it rained for a week straight. Of course Bennett was not too excited about the whole picture taking thing and it sure was fun taking pictures of a toddler who doesn't want to cooperate! We managed to get some decent ones though. And, of course, Bennett is adorable no matter what face he's making. :)

We also realized recently that our Jeep Liberty is just not going to fit two carseats comfortably. The passenger seat is already scooted up way too far in order to accommodate Bennett's seat which has to be rear-facing until he is two. Anyway, we thought we found the perfect car in the city while Jeff was on orders in Enid for two weeks. We started all the financial paperwork and told the dealership that we were on our way to buy the thing. Well... two hours into Jeff's drive to go get it, they call and say that they sold the car! Boo! I call Jeff upset, it's raining, he's pissed, and he turns around to head back to his base. Shortly down the road, Jeff comes upon a bad accident. Being one of the first ones on the scene, he helped some other bystanders to pull two small children out of a smoking car. I am so thankful for Jeff's safety through all of that and that he was able to be of some comfort to some sweet little children. Those little ones lost both their mother and father in that wreck. They are just 2 and 4 years old and their parents were only 30 and 31. It breaks my heart for them, but also makes me cherish my family and how quickly things can change. Those parents were about the same age as Jeff and I and those kids are the same age difference as our boys will be. I love my family and I thank God for them everyday, but having Jeff be a part of an incident like that really opened our eyes to how truly blessed we are. It also reminded us that we are not guaranteed tomorrow and although I would give anything so that my children didn't have to live without their parents, it really got us looking into our life insurance policies and how we need to draft up a will. So drive safe, cherish your family, and be prepared for the worst (even if you are like me and want to believe that nothing bad will ever happen to your babies).

To move onto a much happier note and speaking of cherishing time with family, Jeff turned 30 last week and we had a blast celebrating it! Although our plans kept falling apart, I KNOW that even vacations can be "meant to be" and that things fell apart for a reason. For Christmas, I surprised Jeff with an Alaskan cruise to celebrate his 30th birthday! We actually canceled that because the cruise line said the ship couldn't reach certain speeds and they would be taking away some of our stops. They were going to give us $50 to spend on the ship to make up for it and they weren't going to repair the ship until 2015... No, thank you. I did not want to be stuck in the middle of the ocean if something more serious happened. Then... Jeff wanted to go back to the Dominican Republic, to the same resort we stayed at for our honeymoon. No biggie. Our families were going with us so we told them, Jeff's dad booked the Dominican right away and we looked for flights with our airline miles. That had its own issues because they weren't allowing people to book hotels with their miles because of fraudulent activity going on in the Dominican. Great... Then... Jeff got that call about training and he didn't want to go overseas and come back the day before leaving for South Carolina. So, we rented a house near Lake Texoma for the family instead. It turns out, as Tony found out the hard way, it was good that we didn't go to the Dominican because a hurricane came in last week and canceled everyone's trips there anyway! Never a dull moment for the Barros...

All that to say, we had such a great time on Lake Texoma. The house was awesome, our families were there, the fishing was good, and we had fun splashing in the lake (Bennett LOVED the water!).

So, that's been the end of our busy summer! On a side note, I'm starting my Master's Thesis THIS WEEK! AHH! I'm praying I can get it mostly completed before baby gets here! Oh! And Jeff got promoted to Captain! Go him! :)

Maybe I need to write more often because this turned out a lot longer than I intended...