Barros Blog |
I hope everyone had a great Halloween! We kept busy with our church's trunk-or-treat, my parents coming in for a quick visit, and taking the boys trick-or-treating for the first time (I think we stopped at three houses, haha)!
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Barros Blog |
Barros Blog |
Charlie Brown and Snoopy with the grands! |
I'm not sure exactly why, but I was dead set on the boys being Charlie Brown and Snoopy for Halloween this year. The Charlie Brown costume was simple. B already had the brown shoes and black shorts. I just bought yellow socks and a yellow polo that was on clearance. Then I bought some black fabric paint and just painted on the zig-zags. Even though Charlie Brown isn't really his favorite character (although we did watch the Great Pumpkin show), he was really excited to dress up and wear his costume. He kept asking me, "Is is Halloween day? I want to be Charlie Brown!"
Snoopy front |
The Snoopy costume was next to impossible to find for a 9-month-old. I was surprised! I found one decent infant Snoopy costume on the Internet but I just didn't like how it looked and it cost $40 (plus shipping)! At first I was just going to buy a white snow bunting-type suit for him and sew on the nose, ears, eyes, and patches, but, luckily, Grandma Pat stepped in and made most of his costume! She just found a pattern for a puppy costume and made it white with black ears. Then I sewed on the black spots on the back and a red collar. It was perfect!
Snoopy back |
I realized afterwards that I never got a picture of the back of Snoopy, so here's the costume by itself. The only thing I'd recommend different than what you see here is elastic in the hood (we just left it like a sweater hood and pinned it tighter for trick-or-treating) and a zipper instead of a velcro front. The velcro worked great, but it could get scratchy sometimes. Didn't Pat do fantastic job on it though?! With her machine sewing powers and my hand sewing skills combined, we made an adorable costume! If I do say so myself... :)

W just liked riding around in the wagon and B loved handing out candy to trick-or-treaters more than the actual trick-or-treating we did. He loved seeing everyone dressed up!
So if you are looking for a cute matching outfit idea for the kiddos next Halloween, Charlie Brown and Snoopy are pretty darn cute! ;)
Happy Halloween from the Barros Family! |