Like the the Earth's continents, our world is constantly shifting and changing its face. Usually, it is a slow and steady drift; other times it occurs with a more drastic event. Like an earthquake along a fault line; you know it is bound to happen, but a sudden shaking of the world around you still catches you by surprise.
Last month, our world and the world of those we love, experienced such a dramatic shift. A shaking of the world around us that caused us each to pause and grasp hold of those standing close; that changed the face of many lives, some more drastically than others. Jeff's mother, Jeanette, lost her battle with cancer. And although death is inevitable and unavoidable in this fallen world, there really is nothing you can do to prepare for the absence of that person in your life. She will be greatly missed, especially during this first holiday season without her. I wish I could thank her one last time for really reiterating the importance of family for me. From the stories I have listened to and from my time knowing her on this earth, she was a wonderful mother and loved her family dearly. The best way I can think to put it into words is that family is like a taste of heaven here on earth. The love and fellowship that you get to experience with your family can truly be heavenly at times. I think that is something that I knew having a great relationship with my own family, but that thought was put into words and emotions just a few weeks ago.
When asked to describe his mother:
My mother was my safe place; she was an ear I could talk to and she was willing to give up anything so I wouldn't have to go without. Some of my favorite memories with my mom were grocery shopping, cooking, sewing, and doing puzzles with her. My mom always made sure we were cared for and loved. Family was her priority, she made our home a place we could bring our friends, and eventually our future mates home from college. My mom was a quiet lady, but when she needed to be heard she spoke, and when she spoke she was full of wisdom and authority. My mother will always be remembered. I love her with all my heart and I will hold to her teachings and the memories with had together for 27 years. My future children will see their grandma lived out through my life and even though she is no longer living, she would have loved them beyond words can express. My mother passed away at the age of 61 on October 18, 2011. I love you mom.
So beautifully written! Love you both and will continue to pray for your family.