Let's hope that's not what I'm feeling wriggling around in my belly right now. Luckily, little boys are are just made out of flesh and bone and this one's already working up some muscles with all his kicks and punches. Jeff's going to be so proud when he gets old enough to play on a soccer field.
That's right, we are having a boy! We got to find out on August 15th at 18 weeks. So, the story goes... we went to our scheduled doctor's appointment to get the anatomy scan done and we were just so excited because they were going to tell us what we were having! Boy? Girl? Puppy?? I don't know about Jeff, but I couldn't sleep the night before. So, the ultrasound tech was doing all her measurements and after looking at his femur length, brain, and some other organs, it was finally time to check between the legs! Unfortunately, our little guy was being stubborn and uncooperative that day and decided he did not want to show off for us. Basically, we left there disappointed with some grainy pictures of his scrawny buttocks.
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Baby B @ 18 weeks |
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18 weeks |
This child is going to find out soon enough that we can be just as stubborn and determined as him. So... we scheduled another ultrasound. It actually wasn't too much out of pocket for a quick gender scan, so I sipped on some sugary fruit juice and off we went! It was actually a lot of fun because they gave us a sneak peek at him in 3D. I actually had no desire to have any 3D ultrasounds done, but after seeing his adorable little face, we are thinking about going back before he is born...
So, our dear future son, that is the story of how you decided to cross your legs when all we wanted to do was take a glimpse at your little package. I'm sure when you are a toddler and streaking naked through our home, we will look back on that day and smile. :)
And in case you are wondering, yes, we have picked out a name: Bennett Eugene Barros
As for an update on our paperwork "pregnancy," aka, our adoption process: we are still waiting for our agency to update their policies, but they are going to allow us to submit our dossier to Ethiopia! We don't have all the details yet, but all we know so far is that we are going to get on the waiting list soon and that is great news because it is a 20-24 month wait list right now... So, we are just updating some documents and then they will be sending it off! I think little Bennett will be ready for a baby sister when he is going on two years old, right? ;)
Please pray for our little boy God is knitting together in this womb and that the pregnancy continues to go well with no complications. Also, please pray for the adoption process and for the child that we will one day have the privilege of offering a loving home to. Thank you so much to all of our family and friends, just for loving and supporting us as our family grows. We are excited to share these amazing times with you.
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Model Planes for the Nursery made by Grandpa and Daddy |
Love you "all" so much. I can't wait to come to Colorado and hug you "all".