April has been a month of family and showers of love so far. Bennett took THE CUTEST Easter pictures EVER. He was so adorable in his little suit. Then he turned three months old! It's crazy how much we love that little munchkin. I'm sure looking at his pictures, it's easy to see why! That kid is so stinkin' adorable, but so dang stubborn. He is currently going through a phase where drinking from a bottle is just torture... He's been getting a bottle of formula about once a day or less since his first week and now he wants nothing but the breast. It's exhausting, but I'm so glad he is sleeping through the night because that is my only break... One of his nicknames (there are tons already) is BB and it not only stands for Bennett Barros and Booger Bear, but now Booby Boy. :)

April started with Jeff's brother and his family coming to visit. Bennett just loved his cousin, Amelie, who is just three years old. He would just smile real big when she would sit and hold his hand. He loves to be entertained. I keep telling Jeff that he would have done excellent as a younger sibling because he would have someone older (besides mom and dad) to entertain him. I guess he will have to learn how to be the entertainer for his future siblings...
While they were here, Bennett took his first trip to the zoo, rode his first carousel, and we walked around Manitou Springs and Old Colorado City. Jeff's aunt and cousins also came up from Black Forest to visit, eat hamburgers, and meet Bennett! It was fun. Luckily, the weather was perfect. Today, we have several inches of snow on the ground...

Just a couple of days after they left, we hopped on a flight to Houston to visit my parents. We were nervous, not just because it was Bennett's first flight, but because the weatherman was predicting a blizzard! It turned out pretty cold and windy, but there was barely any snow on the ground! They were talking about possible white-out conditions, but we got to Denver and our flight left without and any issues. Bennett did well. He loved the fact that he was strapped to me in his Moby wrap and slept in it a lot. He did have his first big tantrum while we were sitting on the plane waiting for it to be de-iced... that was fun... It was hot and stuffy to start out, but I finally got him calmed down and he did great the rest of the flight.
In Houston, we took Bennett to the Aquarium and he loved it! It was so adorable to see him watch those colorful fish. We ate our share of some delicious seafood, stopped by the Hard Rock Cafe, and took a stroll downtown.
My mom and her friend, Kippy, also threw Bennett a "blessing shower." I had never heard of this before, but wow, was it special. People wrote down a blessing for Bennett and for Jeff and I and then everyone just said a little prayer over our dear Bennett. This baby boy has had so many people praying for him; even before he was born. I know Tony has told Jeff that he prayed for Jeff's future wife and children. I remember praying when I was young for my future family as well. We are such lucky people; we are so thankful for the awesome love and support we receive from our friends and family. We live in such a crazy, scary world, with wars, slavery, and people setting off bombs in crowds... It's wonderful to be surrounded by such loving human beings and to be reminded of the good still in this world.
Exactly one month from today is Jeff's graduation from his MDiv program! I'm excited for him and I know he is so ready to be done with school. With his Master's degree, he will move up to being a 1st Lieutenant. He is starting to fill out his reappointment papers now and finalizing his endorsement from the North American Mission Board. It turns out that the Air Force just added several more chaplain positions so, after his reappointment interviews, they might ask him to go on active duty. We aren't sure where that will lead, but I am so proud of Jeff and love to see him following his calling.
And she said, "Oh, my lord! As your soul lives, my lord, I am the woman who stood by you here, praying to the Lord. For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition which I asked of Him. Therefore, I also have lent him to the Lord; as long as he lives he shall be lent to the Lord." So they worshipped the Lord there.
- 1 Samuel 1:26-28

April started with Jeff's brother and his family coming to visit. Bennett just loved his cousin, Amelie, who is just three years old. He would just smile real big when she would sit and hold his hand. He loves to be entertained. I keep telling Jeff that he would have done excellent as a younger sibling because he would have someone older (besides mom and dad) to entertain him. I guess he will have to learn how to be the entertainer for his future siblings...
While they were here, Bennett took his first trip to the zoo, rode his first carousel, and we walked around Manitou Springs and Old Colorado City. Jeff's aunt and cousins also came up from Black Forest to visit, eat hamburgers, and meet Bennett! It was fun. Luckily, the weather was perfect. Today, we have several inches of snow on the ground...

In Houston, we took Bennett to the Aquarium and he loved it! It was so adorable to see him watch those colorful fish. We ate our share of some delicious seafood, stopped by the Hard Rock Cafe, and took a stroll downtown.

I loved hanging out with my crazy family and I can't wait to spend a week with all of them in Orlando in June.
And she said, "Oh, my lord! As your soul lives, my lord, I am the woman who stood by you here, praying to the Lord. For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition which I asked of Him. Therefore, I also have lent him to the Lord; as long as he lives he shall be lent to the Lord." So they worshipped the Lord there.
- 1 Samuel 1:26-28
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