HS Class of 2004 |
10 years later! |
Can you believe that my 10 year high school reunion has come and gone? That is so crazy to me. Not only am I on the brink of 30, but I have officially been a high school graduate for ten years. Usually these two milestones bring up the lingering question, "What have I done with my life?" My "original" plans involved a lot more schooling and travel. My goal was to have my PhD and to be traveling the world by the time I was 30. I wanted to teach English overseas and, honestly, thought that stay-at-home moms led boring lives. God always has bigger and better plans for us, doesn't He? While my life is far from perfect, I find myself completely exhausted at the end of most days, and there are places I can't afford to travel to right now, I can say that I am currently employed in my favorite job!
I have learned to "never say never" because then it's like I'm just asking for it to happen! I said I would never even date a youth ministry major in college, let alone marry one. And I never thought I would want to stay home with my kids (at one point I wasn't even sure I would have any). Honestly, I wouldn't have my life any other way. I'm so glad that I have been open to God's direction in my life instead of trying to force what I thought I wanted. So, although what I REALLY want is to be six again when I had no worries, free shelter and food, and a scheduled nap time, I am learning to embrace each new challenge and blessing I am given on this journey.
Little Cowboy |
To answer my "reunion question," I have done plenty with my life in ten years! I went to a great college where I met some of the best friends I will ever have. I graduated with two Bachelor's degrees and I haven't stopped learning since! I have had the opportunity to try out different jobs in the education field. Some great, some not so great. I will actually have my Master's degree completed before I'm 30 (if I can find time to work on my thesis with a toddler and a newborn!). I married a sexy man who loves God and loves his family, and we are about to have two beautiful baby boys that we get to call our own and are responsible for raising into strong young men. It's not without its stress worrying about finances and the perfect parenting practices, but it's my life and I love it. We all have our own personalized journeys and that's what makes this life so wonderful. My path and life decisions aren't for everyone, but I've found, to my surprise, that they are for me and I hope to keep following the direction God intends for me. Because that is where joy and peace lies, in the midst of both blessings and turmoil.
"A man's heart plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps."
- Proverbs 16:9
Day 1 of fever :( |
Did I go to my high school reunion? Unfortunately not. I'm so thankful for Facebook because I never would have kept up with anyone from high school if it weren't for everyone's updates and pictures! Instead, I was at home with a sick little boy. Bennett got a sudden fever that week and it was as high as 105 at times. No others symptoms but a runny nose and fussiness so it was weird. After two days of his fever not letting up, I took him to Urgent Care and they diagnosed him with an ear infection. I thought it was weird because he didn't tug on or complain about his ears at all. I was worried so I took his first ever prescription for an antibiotic and filled it! Less than two days later, his fever was finally subsiding, but he broke out in a horrible rash! So... we go to his pediatrician who says he does not, in fact, have an ear infection, but instead his symptoms are closer to Roseola virus. Super. Not sure where he got it, but it is hard to pinpoint when the kid licks everything from the bottoms of shoes to the floor and playground equipment...
Now this is love... |
He is good now! Finally! He was a horribly mean sick child. He threw tantrums and wanted me to hold him 24/7. I don't mind babying him when he is sick because I know he doesn't feel well, but there were times I just wanted to smack him! I gave him Benadryl for the first time because he was scratching his rash, and I will not be doing that again anytime soon! The side effects warned about "excitability" in children... more like "demonic activity!" It was like a demon had possessed my sweet boy! He went from being sleepy and cuddly to just screaming and crying and throwing his body around for no reason! He was also hitting and kicking me whenever I would try to console him. I think I was more worried about his behavior than I had been about the high fever before. Luckily, praise Jesus, we are back to normal! He is still his naughty, adventurous self, but the tantrums are almost non-existent and he's back to playing normal, being sweet when he wants to be, eating non-stop, and the ill-induced meanness that had possessed him is gone! That was only the second time he's ever been really sick and I sure hope it is not a look into the future because if so, he is one mean sick kid! Ugh!
Baby Bro's Bear! |
Speaking of growing up, I celebrated my 29th birthday last week! Oh, joy. One year closer to 30. I keep telling Jeff that I want to turn 30 in Hawaii. Ha! A girl can dream, can't she? We took a trip to the city and stayed the night. We built a bear for baby brother, just like we did for Bennett before he was born. Hopefully he will love it just as much as Bennett loves his bear! We ate at Musashi's with Jeff's family and some friends. It was delicious! I miss access to good food like that! The next day we checked out the science museum and the cowboy museum. They were both a lot of fun and I think Jeff had more fun playing with the exhibits than Bennett. :) Before heading home we ate at the first restaurant Jeff and I ate at together (before we started dating): Toby Keith's Bar & Grill. So good!
Happy 29th Birthday! |
My sweet boy |
It's been a month full of ups and downs, but overall a good one and not over yet. Next up is the town's homecoming parade and game, then we are taking Bennett to a pumpkin patch! I can't wait to dress him up for Halloween next month! You will just have to wait and see what he will be! ;)
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths."
- Proverbs 3:5-6
"Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know."
- Jeremiah 33:3
I love reading your posts! We are excited to take Miss E to the pumpkin patch too!! So glad Bennett is feeling better!