32 weeks with #2 |
If womb life is any indication on how this baby boy's personality is going to be, then he is going to be one hyper-active, pain in the butt, night owl who is going to be ready to wrestle his brother before he can walk. Seriously. This kid is non-stop, heavyweight action. And by heavy, I mean, holy cow, this baby feels like he is just going to fall out some days! He's still got at least five more weeks of baking to do, but after that, he can come whenever he pleases because I do not remember this much discomfort so early in the game with Bennett. In fact, as I'm typing this I feel like I'm getting bruised on the inside with his kicks and punches! Just two years ago, around this time in my first pregnancy, I was going to a college football game in Boulder with my family and doing just fine. Now, I can barely get through a grocery shopping trip without wishing I could sit down (and knowing that I will be sore later). This second pregnancy has been without complications so far, thank God, but has certainly been much more uncomfortable and has caused me to force myself to just sit down and put my feet up at times for fear of bringing on contractions too early. I hate being treated like an invalid just because I'm pregnant and having people tell me what I should and shouldn't do, but at this stage, I think I'll just suck it up and allow people to do things for me! Ain't no shame in that game, right?
In all honesty, I am so blessed to even be able to get pregnant and to be growing another healthy baby. I can't wait to meet him and for him to join our little family! It won't be long now and I'm actually looking forward to labor (shush, I know I'm crazy)! But it means that he will be here soon! I'm so anxious to meet him and see what he looks like! Adorable, I'm sure, but the anticipation is still exciting.
Baking cookies! |
Sooo looking forward to having ALL of my family in town for Thanksgiving this year. It was looking like we were going to spend it apart because I couldn't bear the thought of a five-hour car ride to Miami this year (sorry, extended fam!), but they are coming here first to celebrate with us! It's been since August since we've seen any of them, so I am excited and so grateful that my family is coming to me this year. Considering I'll be right at full term during Christmas, I am obviously staying home. Not sure what the family plans are, but my mom is talking about coming up to help me out. At first I wanted to say no because that will be a long time to stay before baby gets here and we don't have a guest room anymore, but the closer I get to baby time, the more I want my mommy! It's hard to take it easy when you have a toddler to chase around, holidays to worry about, and a thesis to work on, so I am grateful for the help. My mom was the biggest help when Bennett came, so I know I don't want to do this without her!
Playtime! |
Morning "coffee" with Daddy |
Have I mentioned that my little toddler is exhausting? He is, but he is also such a ham and really knows how to crack me up while making me angry all at the same time! His vocabulary is getting crazy and he is an expert little parrot! So we now have to watch everything we say and do! We are still doing the potty training thing, but unfortunately, I'm too exhausted and easily frustrated at times to go full force. The great thing is that he pees mostly in the toilet! He can stay dry all day if I take him to the bathroom enough. The two issues are that he doesn't like to tell me when he needs to go (so I need to remember to take him a lot) and he refuses to poop in the toilet. We will sit on there forever waiting and nothing, but as soon as I put his pull up or undies back on, he poops... Perhaps I will have the energy to figure this problem out after the baby gets here?? For now, I think he has done a pretty good job and done really well for how inconsistent we've been with it (he still wears diapers when we go out and we are at church and stuff a lot). He picked up the whole potty thing really quickly (M&Ms sure do help). So for now, I am just going to do my best with it and keep praising him for using the toilet. For now, everything is just one day at a time in this house.
Dressing himself :) |
"Helping" make dinner |
Happy Thanksgiving, y'all! :)
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