The Christmas wrapping paper is all cleaned up and the birthday paper is on its way in! I can't believe 2014 is already over, while at the same time I am so ready for 2015. It is going to be an exciting and busy year. Bennett will be turning two next week and his little brother is due to make his appearance very soon! They could very well share a birthday, but we will see!

2014 seemed to both fly by and drag at times. It's been a busy year for me as I've been working on my Master's and cooking a baby. I know it's because I'm nearing the end and I'm uncomfortable, but I feel like I've been pregnant the whole year! We've been in Oklahoma a whole year now, Jeff is loving his new position, and we have an awesome new church family we have had the chance to get to know. This year hasn't been perfect, but it has certainly not been boring and has been full of many blessings. From finding out we were pregnant again (a surprise for a couple who struggled with fertility issues before our first), to getting through our first crazy summer with the FBC youth, to Jeff's first mission trip to Africa, and even finding out Jeff's dad had to deal with skin cancer but was able to get rid of it with one surgery (praise the Lord!). There is always something going on in the Barros family and we are beyond blessed in so many ways.
This pregnancy has been a little more trying than my last. Which is probably why it seems to have lasted so long! With a toddler to chase and late nights working on homework, I feel like I have been exhausted for most of 2014. The great thing is that this pregnancy has had zero complications. With Bennett, I had high blood pressure towards the end. This time, aside from the ridiculous pelvis pain, my blood pressure and everything has been great! I'd like to just get through Bennett's birthday party this weekend, then the little guy is welcome to join us whenever he would like! I'm ready for him anytime, but I told my family that unless I'm pushing out a baby at noon this Saturday, we are having Bennett's party!
This Christmas has been nice and simple. My family came up to visit and it was so much fun to see Bennett really getting into it this year. I'm sure the next years will get even more fun as he learns more about Santa and what Christmas actually is about. For now, the wow's and surprised faces while he was opening presents was so fun to watch. The poor kiddo got sick a couple of days before Christmas and actually slept in our bed Christmas Eve so we could keep an eye on his fever and cough, but he still had a great time. He got one of those bouncy horses from Santa and was so excited to see it Christmas morning! I remember how excited I used to get and now I'm just as excited to see my kids' faces each Christmas. I am truly going to cherish each Christmas because I know childhood will not last forever.
I also hit "full term" status, or 37 weeks, the week of Christmas. So, like I said, bring it on baby boy! I'm so ready to meet this sweet boy already. And bring it on, 2015! We have a birthday to celebrate, a birth and new family member to welcome, Jeff will be traveling to the Dominican Republic and Africa on mission trips, and I will be graduating with my Master's and turning 30! I'm sure there will be more fun things in there as well, but I'm just praising God for such a great year to look forward to!
The Year 2014:
Bennett turned one! |
Mr. Spaghetti Face |
Rodeo time in Houston |
Daddy back from Africa! |
Happy Easter! |
Guess what!! |
#2 is on the way! |
Soon-to-be Family of Four |
18-month-old Bennett |
Happy 30th Birthday, Daddy! |
Adding another boy to the family! |
Jeff's early Christmas present! |
My handsome rodeo boys! |
Happy Thanksgiving! |
Happy Full Term! |
Merry Christmas! |
Happy New Year! |
Happy New Year, y'all! May your year be filled with wonderful blessings you didn't even know you had in store!
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
~ James 1:17
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