Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Fighter for His Family

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.
2 Timothy 4:7-8

2011 saw a lot of fighting. Friends were deployed overseas to fight for our country, Jeff joined the Air Force to be a spiritual supporter of those fighting for our freedom, and we also witnessed loved ones fighting for their lives, right to the very end.

Fighting can be a vital part of life. It is very difficult to learn of a teenager's suicide attempt while your grandfather is lying on his death bed, just fighting to breath. So many emotions bubble to the top, but the question that plays over in my mind is: What does my grandpa have to fight for that this kid doesn't? People like Gandhi promoted non-violence, but he also said, "A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave." Two of the bravest people I know fought hard this year. They were both awarded with heaven.

My grandpa passed away on New Year's Eve, bringing an ultimate close to the year. I was honored by getting to say a little something at his funeral. Or in the words of Derek Zoolander, I was a "eugoogoolizer." You know? "One who speaks at funerals?" Anyway... here is a thank you from his children:

Words cannot express our love and gratitude to you, to God, for blessing us with your presence in our lives. We shall try anyway. If our love were a light, this place would be shining brighter than the sun, like a beacon of hope in this dark world. And though we are grieving and will miss your earthly presence here with us, we are grateful, and maybe a bit envious, that you are finally home; that you have begun your eternal life praising our Lord and Creator; that you are now living in a perfect body with no more fear of pain or death; that you are now basking in the glorious light of the man we call our Savior and get to hug his neck and kiss his cheek; that you are looking down upon us with Jesus by your side, whispering in your ear, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."

You have been a light to us, instilling in us all the importance of faith in your life. One of my greatest memories growing up was coming to visit and driving over the crazy hills to go to grandma and grandpa's church. As a young child, hearing my grandparents sing what is now my favorite hymn, I'll Fly Away, I didn't have a clue of the impact that experience would have on my life - honestly, I didn't understand the impact of Jesus in your own life just yet; not until the day He impacted mine. That was when I reached that understanding, when I realized, that's what my grandpa was talking about, what he was singing about. Victory in Jesus was just a hymn my grandpa and grandma sang, but on that day it became a hymn, a song of worship, my heart sang. So thank you for that memory and for that small seed of light that is part of the foundation of, not only mine, but of many growing faiths. Though we may have argued, shied away, and maybe even disappointed you at times, we thank you for your love, not just for us as your children, but for our hearts and for our eternal souls.


  1. It is easy to see what makes you Ashley! Your heritage is incredible. I am so blessed to have you as my daughter in law.

  2. You not only have made you dad and I very proud, but your grandpa was extremely proud of you. He was looking down upon you and smiling, and thanking you for such kind and loving words you spoke of in his honor. I miss him very much and know he won the fight. He is with his Lord and Saviour watching over us.
    Love you very much!
