Saturday, September 12, 2015

This Week's Recipes on Pinterest

So I discovered a new trick on Pinterest. I'm sure someone has thought of this before, but for some reason this light bulb is just now turning on in my head.

I try to meal plan at least weekly so I'll write down in my little planner what we are having for dinner each night. I like to try new recipes a lot. Like to the point where I can't always duplicate our favorites because we've gone through too many to remember what we had. Haha. Months from now, Jeff is going to ask about those chicken taco things we made that one time. And I'm going to say, "Which tacos?" The ones I made in the crockpot that time, the ones we tried at so-and-so's house, or the ones I made while we were living at that one house? This is just what heaps of recipes, multiple moves, and a career that involves a plethora of potlucks will do to you...

That's what makes Pinterest so awesome! Instead of printing out recipes and losing them (I only record the absolute best in my personal recipe book) or flipping through the dozens of recipe books I have crammed in a closet, Pinterest keeps it in digital form for me! A blessing and a curse this technology is! I probably haven't figured this out before because I try to limit my exposure to Pinterest. Haha! Inevitably, I will go on there to "meal plan" and an hour later I'm still looking at some pin about the 101 pictures you can make with your child's footprint. But I digress...

Of course, there is also the issue of forgetting what board I put a recipe on or having such a full board that I have to scroll for years before I find it (I will miss it at least twice in my scrolls). SO... I created a Weekly Recipes board! It's easy to duplicate pins and put them on multiple boards, so when I do my meal planning, I just copy the recipes I want to try that week to the new board and remove them when I am done! They are still saved on my original board, but I have quick and easy access to them on my Weekly board. And I don't cook a Pinterest recipe for every meal, so there's only what I need on that board. Maybe now my "Favorite Recipes" board will actually turn into my favorite recipes I've actually tried and not just what I want to try!

Now I realize that there are websites you can subscribe to and save recipes to, but they usually cost money. It's awesome that they can also generate a grocery list too, but then I have to add random stuff to it anyway. This is free and flexible.

I'm a fairly organized person, but as our little family grows, I'm learning that what I thought was organized before kids just turns into chaos with them. A little at a time, I plan to get things figured out, save money, save time, and save my sanity. Any tips or tricks of your own would be very much appreciated!

As you can see, this week I planned to make Beef and Broccoli, Chicken Tortilla Soup, and Chicken Tacos. The tacos, which look absolutely mouth-watering, have been pushed to next week, but the other two were delicious! The Beef and Broccoli was a bit runny, but still yummy over a bed of white rice. The Tortilla Soup recipe I actually just used as a base to make up one of my own. I've tried a bunch of different tortilla soups and I had an idea of what I liked from them all, so I made a few changes to this recipe in order to put all my favorite pieces together. Maybe if I can figure out how to take some Pinterest-worthy, fancy photos, I'll try to duplicate that recipe and share it here! Maybe...

I just typed into my search bar: "how to take fancy blog photos". Ha! 

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