Let's stay in the present for a moment so that I can wish my baby sister, a big
Love you, Aummie! ;)
Okay... time to hop in our DeLorean, punch the gas to 88 mph, and head back to April of this year!
First "big event" in April: Waylan turned three months! Just looking back on his pictures from then, he was SOO chubby! I can't believe he is already slimming down and working on his toddler figure! In April he was so chunky that I had the hardest time cleaning his fat rolls out and he would get little rashes sometimes if milk got stuck in there. Haha! Gross!

Also, it was his first Easter! Of course big brother had the most fun with all the candy, easter egg hunts, AND drumroll please... Bennett got a real Easter bunny! Growing up, I always begged for a real bunny on Easter (I also wanted a pet duck, haha), but the Easter bunny would just bring me stuffed animals instead. Now I understand why! I'm so glad Jeff is in charge of the thing because I think it poops more than my two kids combined! When Jeff is out of town, I have to take over cleaning its cage and it is pretty annoying. The thing is cute, yes, but I have had the WORST ALLERGIES of my life this year and messing with a shedding bunny and hay is not fun. Bennett was obsessed with the movie
Sandlot around this time so he named the bunny Baby Ruth. Ha!

Right after Easter, Jeff had to do a week of Air Force Reserve duty. I had a two-year-old I was trying to potty train, a three-month-old who liked to eat a lot (though he's always been a great sleeper!), and I was still furiously working on my thesis because my graduation was the next month. Oh, and did I mention it's been the WORST ALLERGY SEASON EVER?! This was around the time that I absolutely could not wear my contacts because my eyes were so itchy and swollen. Not fun, y'all. Not. fun. In September, I'll still be trying to recover...
My Nana with my babies. |
Y'all I can't even with these chubby pictures of Waylan that I'm looking at. Those cheeks!
Cruisin' with cousins. |
Gotta get a picture with THE bird! |
Papa and Waylan at Waylan's KuKu! |
Mid-April we took a trip to visit my family in Northeast Oklahoma! My grandparents, aunts, and cousins got to meet little Waylan for the first time and Bennett had a blast playing with all of his little cousins! I guess they would be second cousins? My cousins' babies... so that makes them Bennett's second cousins or my second cousins? I think there might be a "once removed" in there somewhere? Uh...
This whole trip was probably one of my favorite things all year (post-Waylan, of course) because we got to meet up with my favorite college roomies and having a little college reunion with all of our families! Y'all, my friends make some of the most adorable babies. Just saying. We met up in Branson, Missouri for the weekend and just hung out. We were supposed to go to Silver Dollar City, but that got spoiled with a rainy forecast. With a bunch of babies, we skipped the theme park and went to the Ripley's Believe It or Not museum. Always interesting/kinda lame and always overpriced. But it was time spent with great friends that we just can't see very often. We all live in different parts of the country and even different parts of the world now. So any chance we get
to see them is a blessing. :)
Roomie Reunion! |
That was about it for us. Another busy month on the books.
Away from home, however, my baby brother got engaged in April! The boys get to be in a wedding next year! Aww! Can't wait!
Uncle Austin and Aunt Jenna |
Geez, we have some catching up to do, don't we! And, yes, I'm in the middle of updating our blog. It's time-consuming! I'm slowly getting it to where I like it. :)
Easter 2015 |
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